Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Big Fail

Hi to all who commented recently, and asked how everything went. Thanks for your support. There was no transfer at all. None of the embryos continued growing past day 4 or so, and none reached blast stage. All that work put in by my sister and I, for nothing.

The RE now thinks the issue might be my husband's sperm. He is going in for labs tomorrow, which I think should have been done after the first cycle was unsuccessful (thanks, Doc!). And then he's on to a specialist the following week.

I am hopeful that whatever the issue is can be fixed, as sperm issues are much easier to fix than egg issues. We are not giving up on this process, but just need a break to figure out what the problem is. I still can't believe this is happening--another period of WAITING. It feels like we are just being bombarded with bad news, upon bad news.

I'll keep updating with information on what's going on with the hubby, and as soon as he's fixed--or we have to use donor sperm, which we've both agreed upon--we will do another cycle, hopefully in the fall.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fertilization Report

So we have seven eggs that fertilized! I hope they continue to thrive. The doctor said this time around that my husband's sperm was much worse quality than last time, and that he should see a urologist. GREAT.

We did ICSI though, so hopefully the sperm they used were good. Keep growing, little ones! I'm going to be a nervous wreck for the next two days until we hear about how many we have left. Le sigh.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Somewhere, Out There...

...In Westwood to be exact, our little eggs & sperm are fertilizing and becoming the embryos that will become our child(ren).

The egg retrieval went wonderfully this morning. A total of  16 eggs were retrieved, with 10 of them being mature at this point. The RE said that an additional 4 eggs may be on track to mature tomorrow. Husband gave his sample at the office, and headed off to work. (In most cases of IVF, the male's role is so simple, isn't it?!)

Tomorrow I will hear back from the office with the fertilization report. So much waiting! I think all IVFers, but especially those using donors should recieve a solid gold star for PATIENCE!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Retrieval is Tomorrow!

Well tomorrow's the big day! The day they take out the eggs that my sister has been growing, and fertilize them with my husband's sperm! Romantic, huh?!

I administered the trigger shot last night in my car. Interesting, to say the least! Just glad no one interrupted. I went today and bought my sister cupcakes to enjoy during her recovery. Glad that her part of the process will be over at this point, so she doesn't have to be tied down with the constant shots and appointments. I've said it before, but I'm just lucky to have such a generous, open-minded sister.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Follicle/Lining Update

Our appointment went well yesterday. Looks like we are on-track for a Wednesday or Thursday retrieval. My sister currently has 15 follies around 11-12mm. The RE says she will be ready to retrieve when they measure around 18mm, so two more days of stims to go before another check. Hopefully those two days will bring a few more eggies, too.

My lining is a bit over 7, with a triple stipe pattern. I still have two or three more Delestrogen injections prior to the transfer, so there's plenty of time to reach the optimal 10 (fingers crossed).

A little closer, every day!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

There are Two Ways to See Things

Last night we had a hump-day BBQ for our friend JM, visiting from China. His wife is the pregnant woman I referred to a couple posts back for whom we are storing baby goods in our den. He came by to pick up all the wares, and upon opening the boxes, came up and offered me a baby play gym and a pregnancy pillow! Apparently Mrs. JM had bought duplicates of those items and he said he'd rather give it to us because, "That's the plan, right?". I said, "I hope so...".

My first response was to question if I did the right thing in accepting these gifts. I wondered if I was pushing my luck, and started thinking superstitiously about the whole deal. Then, I realized that possessing the items will not affect whether this cycle works or not. It will work or fail, all on it's own.

Our future child just received their first gift. I don't know if this cycle will be the one that will brings us this child, but he or she will come. Eventually...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Talking About IVF with Friends

Sunday afternoon, mon mari (my husband) and I went to a birthday party for a friend and his adorable 5 year old son. I got to chatting with another friend in attendance who had recently undergone a successful(!) IVF cycle.

She is currently 14 weeks pregnant, and it was such a joy to see her so wonderfully happy. Her infertility issues were male factor, as her husband underwent a vasectomy many years ago after having children from a previous marriage. After a failed IVF attempt late last year, she opted to do a natural cycle. My friend monitored her ovulation daily, and basically told the doctor when it was time to retrieve the egg. When the time came they performed the transfer. She said she could tell it was a take almost immediately. The best thing about the natural cycle (besides the much lower cost!) is that no hormones are required. I suppose these kind of cycles can be applied only in male factor infertility situations.

We are open with our close friends about using IVF, just not about the donor egg aspect of it. I shared my story of the first round of IVF, leaving out one very large detail! As I think I've written before, my husband, sister and I feel that outside of immediate family, no one needs to know the detail of using donor eggs except the resulting child his/herself. It will be their choice to share that information with others. I am also very vague with our IVF timeline among friends, (even though they ALWAYS ask!) as I'd like the keep any pregnancy under wraps until it's a sure thing.

My IVF friend was incredibly supportive, and sweet. The best thing about our discussion though, was the amazing glow and pleasure she had in being pregnant. I hope that will be me in a few short weeks!